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Customer Spotlight: CUP Laboratories Dr Freitag

CUP Laboratories Dr Freitag GmbH is using Elementar’s UNICUBE® to improve the efficiency of its crucial pharmaceutical testing services

CUP Laboratories Dr Freitag GmbH, a growing contract laboratory for pharmaceuticals and medical devices in Germany, has invested in a UNICUBE® CNHS analyser from Elementar to help improve its analytical throughput and efficiency. UNICUBE® is now playing a crucial role in the lab’s radiopharmaceutical product analysis, helping the team to improve the speed of its sample handling and bringing maintenance requirements down to a minimum, while adhering to the very highest standards of GMP compliance.

Learn in our Customer Spotlight how CUP Laboratories has seamlessly incorporated UNICUBE® into its net peptide analysis workflow, and the reasons why the lab chose Elementar as its ideal partner.

We chose Elementar because they have been in the elemental analysis business for a long time, and their products are well-established. This speaks for itself.

Dr Dirk Freitag-Stechel, managing partner of CUP Laboratories Dr Freitag GmbH

Learn how CUP Laboratories Dr Freitag GmbH has achieved faster, more efficient CHNS analysis with UNICUBE®

Front page of the customer spotlight document with pictures from net peptide content analysis

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About CUP Laboratories Dr Freitag GmbH

CUP Laboratories Dr Freitag GmbH is a specialist contract laboratory providing GMP analytical services since 1991. The lab works almost exclusively with the pharmaceutical industry, offering GMP-certified and FDA-inspected analytical solutions for testing radiopharmaceuticals and related products, and is committed to delivering excellent results for all stakeholders.

Instrumentation installed:



CUP Laboratories Dr Freitag GmbH

Carl-Eschebach-Straße 7




Contact details:

Phone: +49 35 28 - 229 09 20

Fax: +49 35 28 - 229 09 40



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